I am going to do a series of posts introducing our “core four” horses. Most horses that come on our property, spend some quality time with us, and end up leaving us with a job to do, or renewed purpose. However, we do have our own personal horses, on top of all the horses we work with.
This is Spark. In September 2019, we went to the Kalona sale barn in search of a pony for our kids. Initially they wanted a flashy paint pony that was in the loose pen, but Spark caught my attention, and Hezekiah’s. She kept coming close to the door in the pen for attention and he stood and petted her for a long time. She had just had shoes pulled off, and had a bridle path. And was super friendly. She wasn’t flashy and paint like but she was pretty cute.
When the ponies were ran down to a different area of the barn, Destini and Elijah checked them out to see which ones were seemingly broke with their Dad’s help. The paint pony and both black ponies were seemingly broke. There was another pony who looked very similar to Spark there
During the bidding, the paint pony sold for way too high for what we had budgeted . The disappointment on the boy’s faces was very evident, but when Spark came through the ring, they all gave a nod of agreement that maybe this was the one. We bought Spark along with Wednesday, a very emaciated palomino mare from the loose pen auction and brought them home with us.
From day one, it was well known that Spark is a very special pony. She is surrounded by kids who LOVE her. She picks up her feet, stands to be bathed, stands to be tacked up , she will ride independently or on a lead line, will follow any horse, or pony off of them. She will follow any child endlessly giving pony rides. Spark has ridden double tacked up and bareback. She has carried children flopping around, and even put up with my six year old jumping off of her randomly while riding. (BOYS…)
Spark is a pony…So she is technically possibly a spawn of Satan. Occasionally the does show through. Like the times she decides to be ornery and run off to the barn with the kids. Or the occasional naughty buck in the pasture if she wants to continue on eating her grass instead of being caught. But hey, everyone has their off days, right?
Yesterday Spark went for a two hour trail ride with us and rode double for two of my boys. She walked and trotted along, and let them get off and stretch and get right back on with no issue. She didn’t run them off the path, or take off with them, or throw her head down to eat grass. She acted like an old pro, and this was her first official trail ride.
If you’re wondering…buy the kids a pony? I joke that, yeah ponies are devil spawns, buy a big horse… But seriously! Some ponies are golden! Spark was thrown away in a loose pen, destined most likely for a slaughter rig…Now she’s my children’s best friend. Buy the kids a pony. They build character, teach responsibility, build confidence, give them something to ride their own size, and give them a life time of fun memories! Nothing can replace the memories our kids have made with Spark. Their time spending quality family time riding their pony with Mom or Dad watching and cheering them on, can’t be replaced. Inspire them to spend less screen time and more family time. Give them an outlet for their stress. Horses are therapeutic all around and for all ages.
Every month we see good ponies like Spark go through the kill pen. The majority of them leave on a semi truck unfortunately instead of on a nice family friendly trailer like ours. If you’re considering getting your kids a pony..Consider rescuing one. We can find you a good pony there, and we do what’s called “Pony boot camp.”
We have seven children ranging from 2 year old to 15 years old. Every pony we bring home gets vetted, dewormed, their hooves trimmed, and every day handling while in quarantine. We spend the time getting them Kid ready while they are here because we know a small child is likely in their future. Our kids get involved and desensitize, work on any riding quirks, and spend time riding them while they are on our property. We work hard to ensure these will be good kid friendly ponies. Some times, there’s a pony who ends up with a health issue down the road. Knowing that they come from the kill pen, there could always be a health issue pop up which could have been the reason they are there, but in our primary vet check he will look for any major health concerns that need addressed.
In short…Buy the kids a pony. Rescue a pony, and that pony will forever be grateful. A rescue almost always has the best attitude because they know what you did for them, and that they are given a better future, so they will return the favor with kindness.