With my morning coffee this morning, I realized I haven’t posted in a while. This one will probably take me two cups… š I have always been an animal lover. When I was a child, I loved animals of all kids, but I was obsessed with horses. The first toy horse I ever had was given to me by my Uncle Dennis. I was not old enough to say horse, so I walked around everywhere playing with it calling it a “horsh.” I watched horse movies, my bicycle was an imaginary, fence jumping, wild stallion. Even up until the teen years, I always imagined riding a horse while I was riding my bike. My grandad had cart racing horses, but he had to sell the last two horses he had when I was really young because he couldn’t afford to keep taking care of them. Jackie, the bay horse, was a bit high strung and only the bad grandkids could ride her. (My brother **cough cough* haha!) But Monte, the palomino, and was gentle enough I got to ride him. I must have been about three years old when my Dad toted me around on Monte for pony rides on that magnificent beautiful horse. But it stuck with me forever. I always wished for a horse of my own, and I thought it would never happen. I had allergies, and when I grew up, quite honestly farm properties were just so expensive. So to be where we are today, I am humbly blessed. I am thankful God has allowed us the opportunity to be able to work with horses the way that He has. And not only that, but to make a difference with horses in need, the way He has made a difference when I have been in need.

Some people think little of Spiritual things. God is a huge part of my life. Really, my entire life is centered around Him and around His will for my family. At a young age, I knew I was called to be a pastor’s wife. You can hear from God. He will speak to you if you will listen. I didn’t know who I would marry, or how it would happen, but I knew what I was called to do. He began changing my life and shaping me, preparing me for the job at the age of sixteen. When I was young I dreamed of being Shania Twain when I grew up. Instead, I became a worship leader… I guess that’s comparable right? š My husband and I met young, and married young. I was 18 years old and he was 17. We met at a church function in Monmouth IL. Our youth choir from Peoria was there singing, and his youth group was there doing a skit. Years down the road, little did we know then that we would end up pastoring in that very town together. Where God brought us together, we are serving together today.
We started our church in Monmouth about four and a half years ago. Nathaniel had this crazy idea to start bilingual church. And I gave him a look I constantly give him thinking he was crazy because neither one of us was Bilingual. The community of Monmouth, however is a very multicultural and diverse community. A large amount of the community speaks Spanish and French so I spent hours learning how to sing in Spanish. I would learn a song in English, and then learn it in Spanish. Make video recordings and send it to anyone willing to try and attempt music with me at church. We started to grow… And eventually, our growing congregation shifted from having Spanish speaking members, to French speaking African members. Then I spent hours learning French songs… Let me tell you, French is no easy walk in the park!
Prime Beef Festival Parade Monmouth Prime Beef Festival parade Not Shania Twain, but much more rewarding. That time when we brought a pony in the church for Easter….
I have a passion for people. I want to do all I can to help people. I want to help people come to know that God loves them and give them hope. God has done so much in my life, that I can’t ever remotely come close to repaying Him, so I do my best to do what I can to make a difference in the lives of people. My husband is a strong leader. He amazes me. He thinks outside the box SO much. He is willing to do whatever it takes to reach any person. Regardless of language barriers, or cultural differences. We have sang English songs, Spanish worship songs, and African praise music all in one service. We have had service in three languages at one time using two translators. We have been there to see precious babies brought into the world, funerals, weddings, community events. He dreams big, and I am so thankful to be able to dream big along with him.
What does all this spiritual stuff have to do with horses, you may be thinking… A lot actually! God cares about us. He cares about what we love, and our desires. My horse dream was long buried it seemed. I didn’t think it would ever happen… But one day my Mother in law had bought a farm fixer upper property. She allowed us to bring home a couple of hoses to keep there. And from there, things just ended up expanding. My love of horses, got transferred to my children, and we ended up going to the sale barn to buy a pony for them… And from there, saw another need.
Do I think God called us to save horses…? Maybe not. But do I think it is pleasing to Him? Absolutely. God created the animals in the beginning. We should treat them right, and if there’s a way for us to make a difference when they need it, I think He is well pleased. Horses are healing to people. They heal emotions, and help you through hard times. We can’t help every animal in the world, but God has graciously allowed us to be able to help these ones. Sine September 2019, we have had about 200 horses through our program. Some are kill pen rescues, some are project horses that needed time put on them, some are owner surrenders, or rehabs. We have lost a couple that were too far gone, but as a whole these horses in a better place. We make sure to try and keep them out of sale barns, and maintain contact with their owners who take them home. And try our best to find a good fit for the right families. It’s not always easy, but it is rewarding.
One of my favorite things to do is find a poor bad off horse, whose eyes are filled with sadness, and whose coat is dull, and spend time every day with them reminding them that they are loved. Our sweet Clydesdale this trip is a perfect example of that. Her first day home, she was head shy, and hung her head defeated. She was a dull color and her coat lacked any shine to it. She was sore on her feet, and just bad off. I prayed for her. I put my hand on that sweet horses face and said God, please have mercy on this sweet horse. Whatever problems are causing her pain with her feet, please touch her and help us get her better. Yes, I pray for my horses. I also pray before every sale that God would help us find the right horses to be able to go to the homes they need to.
Her first day home with us.
This week I have seen the transformation begin. Her dull eyes that she seemingly had retreated into, are now bright and playful. Her dull coat, now is starting to shine. Her weight, although she is thin, is starting to fill out already. You can see less of her ribs. She hears the grain bucket and instantly starts perking up looking for her food. She gets the run of the yard part of the day and enjoys stretching out for naps, and trusts us enough that she doesn’t feel like she has to get up when you approach her. She will let me sit on the ground with her and pet her and speak life into her.. She has an abscess and will allow us to lift that monster foot up into a five gallon bucket of epsom salt water to soak it while she chows down on her beetpulp and feed. Every day I see more life come back into her. She was broken, but someone saw her potential.
Maybe you are broken, and wish someone could see your potential. I have been there. When it seems no one else believes in you, or you have failed, and ended up in a bad place…God sees your potential. God loves you, and you are so much more than what you can even imagine. There is hope, so don’t give up. God can, and He will make a difference if you will allow Him to.
This isn’t an ad for our church. Honestly, I don’t care where you go to church at, but we need each other. People need people and we need God. If you need a place to go, come and see us. Friends become family at Greater Life. You won’t be judged. Come as you are! Broken or whole, happy or sad, heart needing mended, or spirit needing uplifted. You are welcome here. š
Greater Life Pentecostal Church — 201 e 2nd Ave Monmouth, IL
These words of encouragement made me cry. Iām so thankful I found your page. I pray you and your family,both two legged and four legged are blessed beyond measure. Iām also in search of a very gentle horse for my nine year old son and hope to help your rescue out by finding a suitable companion for him.