This trip we came home with something new…We have never before brought home a mule. We have never owned a mule, and honestly, I haven’t had the desire to have one, but they are fascinating creatures! Ok, in technicality we brought home two. One mini mule (which we think is more than likely a hinny), and one bigger mule. This post, however is about Molly….

Let me start by saying, Molly (Yes I know..not a very original name) is barely three years old. She is 13.1 hh right now, and SO strong. But if you were a toddler, and strong as Hercules…You probably wouldn’t know your own strength, right? She has some learning to do still. When we saw Molly at the sale, we had someone in our group chat looking for a mule, and she just seemed to speak to her, so she said bring her home with you. So we did. We brought home this sweet spunky little mule, and got her home and turns out Ms. Molly is very broke to ride under saddle. She has more than likely has been started driving as well.
Sweet Molly has definitely been worked and started. She will walk, trot, and lope under saddle, is respectful and soft in her mouth, and she will walk over obstacles for you with a little encouragement. Molly, on the ground however is a little different. We have been working with her to gain human trust. I think Molly has only ever been worked, and her interaction with people was either only working, or negative. So she knows when she does her job well, she’s treated right, but on the ground she doesn’t quite know what to expect. She could use a round pen, and lots of petting and brushing and lead rope work.
Our vet expects Molly to grow maybe two or three more inches, and just continue to fill out and be stocky. She will not be a huge mule, she will be a good mule to put kids on and teach them the ropes. Honestly, at this point any of my kids could ride her, if I didn’t worry about her spooking on the ground. She just needs more time to settle. You can see the intelligence in her eyes. She studies you, and it radiates from her. She is improving…She will now accept treats and some grain from my hand when before she would always pull away, and she will also now let me briefly pet her without holding on to her. I believe that with time and effort, Molly will come to trust people again.
Interestingly enough, the average lifespan of a mule is between 35 to 40 years, although some mules have been known to live until 50 years old if well looked after. Molly, being three years old has a looooooong life left ahead of her to make some family very happy! Would you be that family?
Molly needs a family…Someone who is strong enough to handle her, hopefully with a small area to get to know her in, and patient enough to work through her quirks. Someone who has faith in her that knowing she does so well under saddle, that she will come around on the ground too. There is not a mean bone in Molly’s body. She needs compassion, patience and love. If you’re willing to provide that, please reach out to us.
You can find us on Facebook, under Aldrich Equine Adventures.